How integration leasing can help you find a permanent position

The path to permanent employment with integration leasing at HOGO
Employee support at HOGO: Why you feel you are in good hands with us

HOGO Mitarbeiterbetreuung: Dein Wohlbefinden an erster Stelle. Wir wissen, dass zufriedene und motivierte Mitarbeiter der Schlüssel zum Erfolg sind, und deshalb legen wir großen Wert auf eine umfassende und persönliche Mitarbeiterbetreuung. In diesem Blogpost erfährst du, warum du dich bei HOGO gut aufgehoben fühlen kannst und welche Unterstützungsangebote wir dir bieten. Umfassende Betreuung von Anfang […]
AKÜ: Your start to a successful professional future

Temporary employment is a key model in the modern world of work, offering flexibility for companies and valuable opportunities for employees. At HOGO, we understand the importance of this form of employment and have made it our mission to use it as a springboard for a successful professional future. What is temporary employment? Staff leasing, also known as temporary employment, means that [...]
The advantages of temporary work: How HOGO combines security and career opportunities

Temporary work is often misunderstood - as a short-term solution without prospects. But at HOGO, the opposite is true. Temporary work can not only be a stable source of income, but also a real career springboard. In this article, we explain why temporary work at HOGO is a secure and future-oriented option for employees. Temporary work at HOGO: A secure job [...]